
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
1 £ 342,0000.003001
10 £ 120,0000.000001
11 £ 245,0000.000001
3 £ 66,2500.000001
5 £ 152,0000.003001
7 £ 250,0000.002001
8 £ 297,5000.003002
9 £ 448,5000.002002
Beech House £ 350,0000.000002
Casa Mia £ 130,0000.003001
Gable End £ 374,5000.005003
Hillcrest £ 340,0000.003001
Maple House £ 355,0000.000001
Newtown Bungalow £ 213,0000.000001
Norval Court 2 £ 231,0000.000001
Norval Court 1 £ 345,0000.000003
Norvals Bungalow A £ 322,5000.000002
Norvals Bungalow B £ 235,0000.000002
Norvals Lodge £ 200,0000.000001
Ravenowe £ 95,0000.000001
The Beeches £ 500,0000.000001
The Willows £ 414,0000.000001